Wednesday 10 June 2015

Being Fooled


                    PLAYERS : 1. RITA               2. LUCY

Lucy is writing on her table . Rita enters.
Rita     : hi Lucy.
Lucy   : Hey... how are you?
Rita     : fine thanks. And i am soooo happyyyy today :D !!
Lucy   : Really? Good.. What happened? J
Rita     ( sits down) Yesterday when i was at food court in Jatos, i met a guy. He was so cute!! His body was tall and his face ugh... I could not take my eyes off him.
Lucy   : That’s good. And then???
Rita     : We talked for hours.. and then finally he asked me for my number!
Lucy   : Did you give him?
Rita     : yes of course! And you know what??
Lucy   : what?
Rita     : this morning he sent me SMS !! wow.... He wrote” Hello pretty.. how are you? Is that amazing??
Lucy   : you’re so lucky.. can i see it?
Rita     : sure . here (shows her the sms)
Lucy   : ( looks at the number and gets shocked) OMG! Noo no way!.. are you sure its his number?
Rita     : can check the message yourself!
Lucy   : Rita.. no way, this is number of my boyfriend!!! . (opens her phone contact) Look! I even have his number too... See????
Rita     : ( confused) but your boyfriends name is Rio. :/ .. and this guy’s name is Fikri.
Lucy   : (angry) this is not funny!!! ... embarrassing!! .. what a stupid guy! I must talk to him.. He is a playboy! I hate him. .. Rita i must go now. Bye.. (exits)
Rita     : Heyyy....wait up! I wanna see him too..... (exits)

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