Showing posts with label Short Conversations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Short Conversations. Show all posts

Friday 27 January 2017

Talking About Attractive People

 Pamela: You know that your tongue is hanging out of your mouth, right?

 David: That’s because I’ve never seen so many beautiful women in one place before. Why have I never been to this beach before? Look at her! She’s a hottie!

 Pamela: Isn’t that what you said about that woman over there?

 David: No, I said she’s a babe. Look at the way she sways when she walks.

 Pamela: Stop ogling her or her boyfriend or husband is going to come over here. 

 David: I’m not ogling. I’m admiring the perfection of the female body. 

 Pamela: You’re undressing her with your eyes. Avert your gaze before you regret it. Oh, wow! 

David: What? 

 Pamela: Check out that guy over there. Hello, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome!

 David: That pretty boy over there? He’s too into himself. Look at the way he’s posing so every woman on this beach can get a look at him. He’s nothing but an exhibitionist. 

 Pamela: And the women you’ve been ogling in the teeny tiny bikinis?

 David: Those women? They’re just showing off what God gave them!

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Avoiding Topics in Conversation

Let’s not talk about the topic of today’s episode right now. So, how’s your day going?

Lila      :Why aren’t you dating? I have so many friends who would love to go out with you. 

George : Let’s change the subject. Talking about my love life isn’t very interesting. 

Lila      : But really, you’re not getting any younger and… 

Friday 4 March 2016

At the Bank

   : Hello. I’m Francis Roberts, the Accounts manager. What can I do for you?

Mark       :Hi. My name is Mark Johnson. This is my wife, Lynn. We’ve just moved into town
and would like some information about opening a bank account.

Francis   : What kind of account would you like to open?

Mark      : We want to open a checking account.

Friday 22 January 2016

Have You Ever Been to Raja Ampat ?

At home
Andy   : Hello Jim
Jim      : Hello Andy, how are you?
Andy   : Fine, thanks. What are you doing?
Jim      : I'm watching a video about Raja Ampat
              tourism resort. It's very interesting.
Andy   : Have you ever been there?
Jim      : No, I haven't. What about you?
Andy   : Yes, I have. And you're right.
              The place is very interesting and wonderful.

At a school canteen.
Susan    : Have you ever eaten snails, Maya?
Maya      : Never. I don't like them, yukky !
Susan    : Oh, come on.. snails are so delicious if you
                  cook them well.
Maya     : No no no.. I don't want to try them. 

Pattern :

 Have    +   you    +    ever   +  ( Verb 3 )       +     ( Noun )

Monday 26 October 2015

Giving Instructions

Dialogue :

Ben       : John, I need your help.

John      : Sure, what’s the problem?

Ben       : How to operate a television? Tell me the steps, please.

John      : First of all, plug the cable into the socket.

                Then, press the ON button.

                After that, select the channel that you like to watch.

                Finally, enjoy the program.

Ben       : OK, John. Thanks a lot.

John      : You’re welcome.

Imperatives :

1. Turn/switch on the lamp!

2. Turn/switch off the lamp!

3. Press the off button!

4. Open the book!

5. Insert the cd!

6. Write your name!

7. Cut the meat into cubes!

8. Pour the water!

9. Stir the coffee!

10. Add some sugar!

11. Fold the paper!

12. Walk straight until the gas station!

13. Break the egg!

14. Heat the oil!

15. Turn left!

 Pattern :

VERB 1   +     OBJECT    

Monday 12 October 2015

Short Conversations


Ben : Hello John

John : Hello Ben. How are you?

Ben : I’m fine thanks. What are you drinking?

John : Just coffee. You want some?

Ben : No, thanks. I just had it.

John : What about cigarette? Do you smoke?

Ben : Oh sorry, I don’t smoke.

John : Ok then. Well, is there a meeting today?

Ben : Yes, we will have a meeting at 2pm.

John : Really? About what?

Ben : I don’t know. But I heard it’s very important. All staffs must be there.

John : Where is the place?

Ben : in the meeting room, as usual. Will you be there?

John : yes of course.

Ben : OK, I must go now. See you later in the meeting.

John : Ok see you later.

GIVING ADVICES (memberi saran/nasihat)

John : Hi Ben!

Ben : Oh hi, John.

John : What are you doing?

Ben : I am rubbing my stomach with hot oil. I have a stomachache.

John : That’s too bad. I’m so sorry to hear that.

Ben : Could you help me, please? What should I do?

John : Hmm.. You should not eat spicy food.

Ben : OK. Thanks for your advice.

John : My pleasure. Get well soon, Ben.

Ben : Thanks. Amen.

Anjuran :

1. You + SHOULD + VERB +


Larangan :

1. You + SHOULD NOT + VERB +


SHOULD : sebaiknya

SHOULD NOT : sebaiknya tidak

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