Friday 22 January 2016

Have You Ever Been to Raja Ampat ?

At home
Andy   : Hello Jim
Jim      : Hello Andy, how are you?
Andy   : Fine, thanks. What are you doing?
Jim      : I'm watching a video about Raja Ampat
              tourism resort. It's very interesting.
Andy   : Have you ever been there?
Jim      : No, I haven't. What about you?
Andy   : Yes, I have. And you're right.
              The place is very interesting and wonderful.

At a school canteen.
Susan    : Have you ever eaten snails, Maya?
Maya      : Never. I don't like them, yukky !
Susan    : Oh, come on.. snails are so delicious if you
                  cook them well.
Maya     : No no no.. I don't want to try them. 

Pattern :

 Have    +   you    +    ever   +  ( Verb 3 )       +     ( Noun )

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