Monday 25 January 2016

10 Facts About The Heart

Do you exercise for at least 30 minutes a day? Do you manage your stress and get enough sleep? Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America and a major health concern around the world. It is up to you to keep your heart healthy. Read these 10 surprising facts about the heart.

1. Potatoes are a heart-healthy food
One russet potato (with the skin on) has half the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.

2. Females have faster heart rates
The average female heart rate is 75 beats per minute (bpm). That is 5 bpm faster than the average male heart rate.

3. Most people consume far too much sugar
One can of soda has about 8 teaspoons of sugar! One hundred calories (6 teaspoons) of sugar is plenty for a single day.

4. Lack of sleep increases blood pressure
You can reduce your risk for high blood pressure by getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night.

5. Relaxation reduces heart disease
People always talk about the importance of exercise. Relaxation is important, too. An hour of relaxation per day is essential for a healthy heart.

6. Heart disease is a woman’s disease too
Heart disease is not only a man’s disease. Women are 5 times more likely to die of heart disease than breast cancer.

7. Brushing your teeth can save your heart
You are twice as likely to suffer from heart trouble if you have gum disease.

8. The flu increases your risk of a heart attack
You are twice as likely to suffer from a heart attack when your body is fighting an infection.

9. A broken heart can break your heart
Having a poor relationship with your partner increases your chance of heart disease. Negative energy creates stress.

10. Popcorn is a heart-healthy snack
 Many know about the benefits of berries and nuts. Another heart-healthy snack is popcorn! But skip the butter and salt

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