Showing posts with label Have You Ever Been to Raja Ampat?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Have You Ever Been to Raja Ampat?. Show all posts

Friday 22 January 2016

Have You Ever Been to Raja Ampat ?

At home
Andy   : Hello Jim
Jim      : Hello Andy, how are you?
Andy   : Fine, thanks. What are you doing?
Jim      : I'm watching a video about Raja Ampat
              tourism resort. It's very interesting.
Andy   : Have you ever been there?
Jim      : No, I haven't. What about you?
Andy   : Yes, I have. And you're right.
              The place is very interesting and wonderful.

At a school canteen.
Susan    : Have you ever eaten snails, Maya?
Maya      : Never. I don't like them, yukky !
Susan    : Oh, come on.. snails are so delicious if you
                  cook them well.
Maya     : No no no.. I don't want to try them. 

Pattern :

 Have    +   you    +    ever   +  ( Verb 3 )       +     ( Noun )