Wednesday 24 June 2015

Vegetarianism - Why choose this diet?

Do you ever wonder why some people choose not to eat meat or meat products? There are many different reasons to choose vegetarianism. Here is a list of ten of the most popular reasons why people become vegetarian.


1. Religious Beliefs
Some religions have dietary restrictions. Many religious texts promote vegetarianism.

2. Personal preference
People who do not like the taste of meat may choose vegetarianism. Those who eat seafood are not true vegetarians.

3. Cost
In many countries people can’t afford to eat meat. You can save a lot of money on a vegetarian diet.

4. Environmental reasons
The space needed to raise cows and other livestock is immense. Some vegetarians argue that this space should be used for crops that could feed more people.

5. Health problems
Some people have trouble digesting meat. Red meat can be very difficult to digest. People with high cholesterol may turn to vegetarianism.

6. Animal rights
Vegetarians are often animal lovers. They disagree with the use of animals for feed and complain about how livestock are treated.

7. Contamination
Have you ever had food poisoning? Contaminated food can turn you off meat forever.

8. Peer Pressure
Many people become vegetarian in their teen years. Peer pressure may cause a boyfriend to choose vegetarianism to please his girlfriend, or vice versa.

9. Family
Some people are born into vegetarian families.

10. Weight Concerns
Vegetarians are less likely to be overweight. Fruit and vegetables have fewer calories than meat.

Did You Know...

a vegan is a person who does not eat any animal products

a lacto-ovo vegetarian is a person who eats dairy products and eggs but no meat

a lacto vegetarian is a person who eats dairy products but no eggs or meat

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