Tuesday 28 July 2015

Vampire's Poems


The world is enveloped in dark,
 No hint of a bright spark.
 Drowning in the murky hell,
 Nobody listens though i yell.

 I'm alone in a losing battle,
 Feel like a lion hunting cattle.
 No sense of hope or direction,
 Blindly following misguided intuition.

 Which keeps leading me to here,
 A cold wet pool drenching me in fear.
 As i shiver in the darkness,
 The whispers incessantly hurl bitterness.


Good things are never meant to last,
 they disappear so lighteningly fast.
 Such is the nature of our comical earth,
 which really is a place of dearth.

So it's amusing to see
 people running around maddeningly.
 Chasing, running, looting too,
 trying to get more than me and you.

 I guess they failed to see the light,
 it's not all about gratification n delight.
 There must be a bigger picture here, 
I can almost grasp it coz it feels so near.

 But everytime I reach out to touch, 
it feels I missed out by so much. 
But you gotta keep tryin never give up,
 coz fortune favours those who always look up.


Don't feel down it's only cyber love.
 Truth be told you can never get enough.
 It's  uncannily like fool's gold.
 Which you can look at but never hold.

 Hold on to the memories and be glad.
 For all the fun times that you had.
 Forgive me for the times I made you mad.
 I apologize for making you sad.

 But you're still like my shining star.
 One glance in sky and I know where you are.
 I'll close my eyes and you'll be here.
 Infact, it feels like you're so near.


Life can be good, but also bad.
 One day you're happy, the next you're sad.
 One moment you feel invincible-without a care,
 it seems as though you're flying through the air.

Suddenly, you're brought crashing down.
 Your ecstatic smile replaced by a desolate frown. 
It feels as though you crashed into a brick wall,
 you feel like walking but can't even crawl.

 When faced with such abject misery,
 t'is easy you give up, turn and flee.
 But deep inside you know it's right.
 To face your demons and try to fight.

Coz failure is not falling to the ground, 
it is infact the staying down!

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