Wednesday 5 August 2015


King Julian 
Henry – the oldest son 
Roman – middle son 
Princess Grecia 
Edson – youngest son 
Girl - dwarf/bride 
Judge Dwarf

At the Palace         In the garden        In the forest       


Narrator: Once upon a time there was a king called Julian. He wanted to know which of his three sons would inherit the throne when he died.

At the Palace

King Julian: Servant… tell my sons that I need to talk to them. I´ll be in the garden.

Servant: Very well, your majesty.

Narrator: When they were all in the garden, the king said.

In the Garden

King Julian: I can’t decide which of you is capable of taking care of my kingdom, but first of all you have to get married.

Henry: Is that a condition?

King Julian: Yes, only a married man can be in charge of my kingdom.

Narrator: Henry and Roman were the first ones to leave the palace. They went to far away lands looking for a bride. The first one to return was Henry, the oldest son.

At the Palace

King Julian: Henry! I am happy to see you again! Who is this lovely woman?

Henry: She’s my wife, father. She’s princess Grecia.

King Julian: Is she King Ferdinand’s daughter?

Henry: Yes, she is.

King Julian: I see that you also brought a lot of cattle with you.

Princess Grecia: They are a gift from my father. They are loaded with gold and precious stones.

King: I am proud of you, Henry.

Narrator: A few days later, Roman, the second son, came back.

King: Roman, my dear son! I see that you also brought your wife.

Roman: Yes, father. She’s Heidi.

Heidy: I wrote this poem for you.

Roman: She’s a writer. Her poems are delightful.

King: Thank you, Heidi, I will read it later in the privacy of my room.

In the Forest

Narrator: Edson, the youngest, most charming and strongest son, was the last one to leave the kingdom in search of a bride.

Edson: Oh no, I have to cross the deep forest, and the villagers say that it’s dangerous, especially at night!

Narrator: Suddenly some dwarves captured him and took him prisoner. While he was in jail, he thought.

In Jail

Edson: My father must be worried… I miss him very much.

Narrator: One day he heard a sweet voice calling him.

Girl: Would you marry me?

Edson: Where’s that voice coming from? I don’t see anybody in here.

Narrator: Next day he heard the voice again.

Girl: Would you marry me?

Edson: Oh no, not again! Who’s there?

Narrator: But there was no answer. Next day he heard the sweet voice again, and desperately he said.

Edson: Yes! Yes! I will marry you. I give you my word.

Narrator: Next day some dwarves took him out of jail.

Dwarves: You are free now.

Edson: It was about time!… where are you taking me?

Dwarves: You need to be cleaned and washed.

Narrator: The dwarves washed him, cut his hair, and gave him new clothes.

Edson: I don’t understand what is happening, but at least I’m not a prisoner anymore.

Dwarves: You should be grateful.

Narrator: Then he was taken to a palace, and into a big room filled with dwarves. In the center of the room the judge was waiting for him.

At the Dwarves Palace

Judge Dwarf: I hope you’re ready… you are not allowed to speak at this time.

Narrator: Then a bride entered the room wearing a beautiful embroidered wedding dress, and a veil was covering her face. When she stood before the judge he said.

Judge Dwarf: You may uncover your face.

Narrator: When she did it Edson screamed.

Edson: No! No! No!

Narrator: The bride’s face was disfigured and had a big black mole covering half of her face and one of her eyes. She was a hunchbacked dwarf. But Edson said.

Edson: I promised you that I would marry you, so let’s start the wedding.

Narrator: As soon as he signed the marriage papers, the bride was surrounded and covered by a white thick fog. When the fog disappeared, the dwarf was gone, and there stood a beautiful woman. And all the other dwarves were turned into beautiful maidens and young noblemen. Then the bride said.

Girl: My dear husband. We were all under a spell because of our bad behaviour. But to become ourselves again it was necessary that someone showed loyalty to a promise given. You didn’t break your promise, and thanks to you, the spell was broken.

Narrator: After a few days they went to the palace, where the king called for a meeting.

At the Palace

King Julian: Loyalty is the greatest gift on this earth. Edson will inherit the throne, because he was loyal to his promise in a very difficult moment of his life.

The End

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