Monday 15 February 2016

Question Words


a. Q   : When did they arrive?
    A   : Yesterday

b. Q   : When will you come?
    A   : Next Monday.

When is used to ask questions about time.


a. Q   : Where is she?
    A   : At home.

b. Q   : Where can I find a pen?
    A   : In that drawer.

Where is used to ask about place.

3. WHY

a. Q   : Why did he leave early?
    A   : Because he is ill.

b. Q   : Why aren't you coming with us?
    A   : I'm tired.

Why is used to ask about reason.

4. HOW

a. Q   : How did you come to school?
    A   : By bus.

b. Q   : How does he drive?
    A   : Carefully.

How generally asks about manner.

c. Q   : How much money does it cost?
    A   : Ten dollars.
d. Q   : How many people came?
    A   : Fifteen.

How is used with much and many.

e. Q   : How old are you?
   A    : Twelve.

f. Q   : How cold is it?
   A   : 5 degrees celsius.

g. Q   : How soon can you get there?
    A   : In ten minutes.

h. Q   : How fast were you driving?
    A   : 50 miles an hour.

i. Q   : How long has he been here?
   A   : Two years.

j. Q   : How often do you brush your teeth?
   A   : Twice a day.

k. Q   : How far is it to Miami from here?
    A   : 500 miles.

How is also used with adjectives and adverbs.

5. WHO

a. Q   : Who can answer the question?
    A   : I can.

b. Q   : Who came to visit you?
   A    : Jane and Eric.

c. Q   : Who is coming to dinner tonight?
   A    : Ann, Bob and Al

Who is used as the subject of a question. It refers to people.


a. Q   : Who(m) did you see?
   A   : I saw George.

b. Q   : Who(m) are you visiting?
   A    : My relatives.

c. Q   : To whom I should talk?
   A   : The secretary.

Whom is used as the object of a verb or a preposition. In spoken English, whom is rarely used, who is used instead.


a. Q   : Whose book did you borrow?
   A    : David's.

b. Q   : Whose key is this?
    A   : It's mine.

Whose asks questions about possession.


a. Q   : What made you angry?
    A   : His rudeness.

b. Q   : What did Alice buy?
    A   : A book.

c. Q   : What went wrong?
    A   : Everything.

d. Q   : What is Mary doing?
    A   : reading a book.

e. Q   : What kind of soup is that?
    A   : A bean soup.

f. Q   :What color is his hair?
    A  : Dark brown.

What is used as an object, It refers to a thing, activity, or description of qualities.


a. Q   : I have two pens. Which pen do you want?
   A   : The blue one

b. Q   : Which book should I buy?
    A   : That one.

c. Q   : Which/what countries did he visit?
    A   : Peru and Chile

Which is used instead of what when a question concerns choosing from a definite or group.


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