Monday 25 September 2017

Grieving (by Vampire)

Tears running like a stream
 Seriously wanting it to be a dream.

Lifeless and dying
 Just lying there.
As frantic family travelled from everywhere.

Throwback to the good ol' days
 When he was strong and not easily fazed.

The tears kept flowing at the mortuary.
 Life can change so suddenly.

His face shone with an angelic glow.
"I know you're sad but for now I must go"

Burying him six feet under felt unreal.
 As his life flashed before me like a movie reel.

He was a gentleman in every way.
 Always willing to help, night or day.

With a heart softer than fresh bread.
 I still can't believe he is dead.

(dedicated to his late grandpa)

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