Tuesday 16 June 2015

Asking and Giving Opinion

A. Asking for an Opinion
1. Have you got any comment on ....?
2. Do you have any opinion on .... ?
3. What is your reaction to .... ?
Informal :
1. What do you think of ....?
2. What do you think about .... ?
3. What's your opinion of .... ?

B. Giving an Opinion
Formal :
1. Personally, I consider ...
2. I hold the opinion ....
3. My own view of the matter is .....
Informal :
1. I think ...., I reckon ....
2. I really think ...
3. In my opinion, ...

C. Opinion of Approval
Formal :
1. I think I'd accept ...
2. I'm of exactly the same opinion.
3. That's exactly my own opinion.
Informal :
1. I think so.
2. I agree with you.
3. Me, too.

D. Opinion of Disapproval
Formal L :
1. I can't accept ...
2. I can't say that I share your view of ..
Informal :
1. I disagree, I think ...
2. Yes, but do you think ....
3. Well, I don't think that's true.

Notes :
Informal expression are used in a situation where you are talking between friends or close friends. The expression usually respond to something that you discuss in an informal situation.
Formal expression are used in situation where you are talking in a formal situation, such as in the office or school between the teachers and the students.

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