Monday 8 June 2015

Bikini Party, Whose Fault?

A recent news about a bikini party for high school students in Jakarta has shocked me. The information about the party was announced on a social media, called as "Splash After Class". The dress code was described as "bikini summer dress". It would be held on april 25 and was open for all senior high school students who had just finished their national final exams.
Fortunately, many parents disagreed with it and some of them reported the event to police. The indonesian Child protection conmmisision (KPAI) secretary general Erlina said that several students might have confirmed their attendance.
Refreshing after exams at a bikini party? It reminds me of a western movie. In the movie, after exam students made party to relax their mind. Boys and girls swam together in sexy swim suit , drank beer and danced and even had sex. This "slash after class" controversial bikini party was probably inspired by the one like in the movie. Like Erlina said, the danger with this kind of event is that not only might there be drugs and pornography involved but there might be some people who take the students pictures for the wrong purposes. And this kind of party is obviously against our eastern values. The party is not suitable for indonesian citizen who uphold religious cultures and values.
In my opinion, schools must provide students with more lessons about moral values. So far, many schools just focus mostly on students skills but less concern on their moral and behaviour. Minister of Education together with school organization must set up better curriculum so students will learn more about good morality and practice it in their real life.
The parents also give much contribution to the development of their children. Growing up children means growing up problems as well. Teenagers usually want to be free, they are searching for their own identity. It is the duty of their parents to guide them to the right path. However, many parents do not have much time for their children nowadays since they get very busy working. They dont have time to teach them manners and good behaviour. It would be a very good choice if they take their children to a school, a good and qualified school which provides students with both technology and theology, with both skill and attitudes.
And for the students who attended the bikini party, come on guys..there still many other good ways to relax your mind after the final exams. Bikini parties will not give you any benefits but lead you to miserable life in the future for sure.

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