Monday 8 June 2015

Punishing Children

Yuki   : What are you doing?
Al      : I'm getting ready to give Charlie a spanking for beating up his classmates. He has to learn that there are serious consequences for his actions.
Yuki   : You're punishing him for beating someone by giving him a beating? That doesn't make sense. Our response should be for an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Al     : I'm not going to beat him. This isn't going to be a flogging. I'm going to give him a simple spanking.
Yuki  : Physical punishment isn't the answer. For children spanking is spanking, beating is beating. However, we can give him a severe punishment without resorting to violence.
Al     : What kind of punishment? Taking away his toys? Or locking him in a bedroom? 
Yuki  : We could lock him home for a month, only allowing him to go to school.
Al     : That doesn't seem to be enough...
(Scrift by Dr. Lucy Tse)
The dialog above is very interesting. Children who make mistake must be punished somehow, but how to punish them? What kind of punishment suitable for children? Is there any educative punishment? If you were their parent or teacher, what would you do?

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