Sunday 7 June 2015

Two Lovers

Tia.    : I love you, Andi.
Andi.  : I love you, too, darling.
Tia.    : How much do you love me?
Andi.  : A lot. I am crazy about you.
Tia.    : Why do you love me so much?
Andi.   : You are kind, you're pretty. You understand me.
Tia.     : Don't stop! Tell me more!
Andi.   : I ... I can't explain. I just love you.
Tia.    : And I love you more than anyone in the world.
Andi.  : Can I ask you a question?
Tia.    : Sure.
Andi.  : Will you marry me?
Tia.    : Marriage is such a big step, honey.
Andi.  : I know, but we're in love. That's all we need.
Tia.    : Will you love me forever?
Andi.  : Of course.
Tia.    : Are you absolutely sure?
Andi.  : Yes, yes! Absolutely!
Tia.    : Wonderful!
Andi.  : So do you agree to marry me, my dear?
Tia.    : Yes.
Andi.  : So, let's get married next month.
Tia.    : No, it can't be. Maybe next year I'll be ready.
Andi.  : Why? Isn't it better for us to get married soon?
Tia.    : Yeah. But you know, my grandpa has just passed away. I lost him and I feel deeply sad.
Andi.  : I understand your feeling. Do you want me to tell you a funny story?
Tia.    : That's a great idea. So, how does your story begin?
Andi.  : Ok, but I'm sorry I've got to go now. My mother is waiting for me. Bye.
Tia.    : Ah.. Ok bye. Take care

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