Friday 5 June 2015

Who Is The Laziest Boy?

     An old man was walking along a road. Suddenly he saw three boys laying under a tree.
"I'll give 3 dollars to the laziest boy. Who's the laziest boy?" he said.
     The first boy jumped up, ran over to the old man and said, "I'm the laziest boy. Give me 3 dollars."
The old man shook his head.
"No, you aren't. Lay down again."
     The second boy sat up and held out his hand.
"I'm the laziest boy. Give me 3 dollars."
The old man shook his head again.
"No you aren't. Go and lay down again.
     The third boy rolled over to his side and said, "Please come and put 3 dollars into my pocket."
"Yes" said the old man. "You are the laziest boy!" And he put the money into the boy's pocket.
"Thank you," said the third boy.

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