Monday 16 May 2016

Greeting, Leave-taking, Offering, Request

Basic Expressions in daily conversation :

1. Greeting 

     Formal greeting 
  • Good morning
  • Good noon
  • Good afternoon
  • Good evening
     Informal greeting :
  • Hi
  • Hello
  • Heya
  • Morning, Jim!
     Initial greeting :
  • How are you?
  • How's it going?
  • How are you doing?
  • How's life?
  • What's up?
     Responding to initial greetings:
  • Very well, thank you and how are you?
  • I'm good/okay/alright.
  • Very well, thank you.
  • Oh, pretty good.
  • Not too bad, thanks.
  • Fine, thanks.
  • Excellent.

  2. Leave Taking
      Pre-closing :
  • OK then..
  • I've got to go now
  • So, I'll see you next week.
  • I think I'd better be going now.
  • Well, it's time for me to leave.
  • I think it's already late at night.
  • I must go home now.
  • Goodbye
  • Bye bye
  • Bye for now
  • See you later
  • Take care
  • Good night.
3.   Invitation

      Offering an Invitation :
  • I'd like you to come to dinner party with me
  • Would you like to come to dinner party with me?
  • How about going to dinner party with me tonight?
      Accepting an invitation:
  • Thank you, I'd be glad to.
  • Thank you, I'd be happy to go.
  • Thank you very much for inviting me.
  • Yes, I'd love to.
  • Sure.
  • Great.
  • All right.
      Declining an invitation:
  • I'm so sorry, I'll be very busy tomorrow night.
  • I'm afraid I can't go with you. I'm sorry.
4. Reques

    Making requests :
  • Could you bring me some water, please?
  • Would you like to bring me some water, please?
  • Please bring me some water!
  • Would you mind bringing me some water, please?
    Approving to a request:
  • Sure.
  • Certainly.
  • All right.
    Disapproving to a request:
  • Oh I'm sorry but I can't. I'm busy with my own work.
  • I'm afraid I can't help you. Sorry.

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