Wednesday 18 May 2016

Passive Voice - Exercise

A. Using the passive voice, complete the following sentences with the correct tense of the verb provided or a suitable modal verb.

1. My car is at the service station. It (repair) __________________ right now.

2. Dinner (serve) _____________________ at 7:00 last night.

3. Your check already (deposit) _______________________ in the bank.

4. The newspaper (deliver) _________________________ before 6:00 A.M. everyday.

5. The book (publish) ___________________ in 1950.

6. The patient (examine) ________________________ by a surgeon tomorrow.

7. The question (discuss) _______________________ at our next meeting.

8. Twenty new workers (hire) ____________________ last month.

9. There are not enough hospitals in our area. A new hospital (build) _________ soon. (use a modal)

10. When you go through customs at the airport, your bags (search) ____________. (use a modal)

11. Hundreds of people (injure) _________________ in the train accident last week.

12. Your library books (return) _____________________ in three weeks. (use a modal)

B. Passive with Present Tense and Present Progressive 

Change the following sentences from active to passive.
Ex. People speak many different languages in Canada. 
       Many different languages are spoken in Canada.
Ex. She is serving dinner now.
       Dinner is being served now.

1. Someone cleans the office everyday.

2. This restaurant bill includes service.

3. Mark drives his wife to work everyday. 

4. We need honest politicians in our government.

5. Someone feeds the dog everyday.

6. We wash the floors often.

7. People grow oranges in California.

8. They are painting my house now.

9. Someone is using the telephone now.

10. I am sending the e-mail right now. 

C. Active Vs. Passive – Past Tense

Form an active and passive sentence using the groups of words provided below.
Ex. Leonardo da Vinci / paint/ the Mona Lisa
      Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
      The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

1. Lee Harvey Oswald / kill/ President Kennedy/ 1963



2. Alexander Graham Bell/ invent/ the telephone.



3. John Lennon / write / the song “Imagine”



4. Tsunami/ kill/ many people/ in Indonesia.



5. Karl Marx/ write/ Das Kapital



6. The Allies /defeat Germany/ in 1945.



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