Showing posts with label English Grammar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English Grammar. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Passive Voice - Exercise

A. Using the passive voice, complete the following sentences with the correct tense of the verb provided or a suitable modal verb.

1. My car is at the service station. It (repair) __________________ right now.

2. Dinner (serve) _____________________ at 7:00 last night.

3. Your check already (deposit) _______________________ in the bank.

4. The newspaper (deliver) _________________________ before 6:00 A.M. everyday.

5. The book (publish) ___________________ in 1950.

6. The patient (examine) ________________________ by a surgeon tomorrow.

7. The question (discuss) _______________________ at our next meeting.

8. Twenty new workers (hire) ____________________ last month.

9. There are not enough hospitals in our area. A new hospital (build) _________ soon. (use a modal)

10. When you go through customs at the airport, your bags (search) ____________. (use a modal)

11. Hundreds of people (injure) _________________ in the train accident last week.

12. Your library books (return) _____________________ in three weeks. (use a modal)

Monday 2 May 2016

Degrees of Comparison


Study the sentences below :

  • Elephants are bigger than tigers.
  • Jakarta is larger than Surabaya.
  • This room is more spacious than the other one.
  • Susan is more beautiful than her sister
  • Walking is easier than playing volleyball
 Note :.
One syllable adjectives - er  + than
More  + two or more syllable adjectives  + than
Sometimes, two syllable adjectives can be followed with -er

Here are some samples of adjectives :

Big                            Clever                                  Beautiful
Long                         Handsome                            Delicious
Tall                            Crowded                              Important
Clean                         Popular                                Difficult
Large                        Modern                                 Expensive
Cheap                       Easy                                      Interesting
Nice                          Dangerous                            Dirty

Note : Remember some irregular adjectives

  • bad/worse/the worst
  • good/better/the best
  • far/farther/the farthest
  • far/further/the furthest
  • little/less/the least
  • many/more/the most
  • much/more/the most