Showing posts with label I'm calling you. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I'm calling you. Show all posts

Saturday 30 May 2015

I'm Calling You

Listen to the wind blowing softly from night shores.
Listen to the leaves waving sleepily outside the door.
Can you hear them calling on your name?
Can you hear them whispering how much you mean to someone out here?
Almost every night I fill you with thousands kisses in the hope you’d feel my wishes.
This is foolish, indeed. This is crazy, I know.
But love in this heart I can’t hide to grow.
So let my dreams come to you, let their voice sing in your ears.
As nobody cares about things we share.
And together we fly.
Together we smile.
Together we dance.
Hand in hand.
Till morning comes.
(December 9, 2008)