Showing posts with label Manuk Dadali. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manuk Dadali. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Manuk Dadali

Manuk Dadali, or in English it means "Eagle", was played together by Al Masoem teachers with angklung. Angklung is a traditional music instrument made from bamboo. It belongs to West Java traditional music but gradually people in different places like to play it. Angklung was even played by about 1000 of people in the USA years ago.
Manuk Dadali is one of Sunda songs. The song has been sung by many people for years. Here I show you the video of complete song of Manuk Dadali , the lyrics is in Sunda language. The singer wore "pangsi" and the dancers wore "kebaya" costume.

Manuk Dadali (Eagle)

Composed by: Sambas Mangundikarta
Mesat ngapung luhur jauh di awang-awang (flying high in the sky)
Meberkeun jangjangna bangun taya karingrang (spreading wings without fear)
Sukuna ranggoas reujeung pamatukna ngeluk (his strong talons and sharp beak)
Ngapak mega bari hiberna tarik nyuruwuk (flying through the clouds with great speed)
Saha anu bisa nyusul kana tandangna (Who can beat his power? )
Gandang jeung pertentang taya bandingannana (His boldness and courage are incomparable)
Dipikagimir dipikaserab ku sasama (He is the best among others )
Taya karempan kasieun leber wawanenna (Never scared and never fear )
Manuk Dadali manuk panggagahna (Dadali Bird is the strongest bird)
Perlambang sakti Indonesia Jaya ( its the symbol of Indonesian victory)
Manuk Dadali pangkakon carana (Dadali Bird is the most famous bird )
Resep ngahiji rukun sakabehna (always live together in harmony)
Hirup sauyunan tara pahiri-hiri (living in peaceful and equal)
Silih pikanyaah teu inggis bela pati (protect to each other never fear of death)
Manuk dadali ngandung siloka sinatria (Dadali Bird is a shinning knight )
Keur sakumna Bangsa di Nagara Indonesia (for all the Indonesian people )