Showing posts with label Modals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Modals. Show all posts

Tuesday 9 June 2015


The following notes are about modals

MODALS are used to express shades of meaning.

1. WILL is used to convey
  • Polite Request -------- Will you help me, please?
  • Promise ---------------- I will phone you, okay?
  • Future Time ----------- Father will come home tomorrow.
2. WOULD is used to express :
  • Polite Request -------- Would you show me the way?
  • Past tense of will ------ I would help you if you asked me.
3. SHALL is used to express :
  • Request (Is it a good thing to do?) ------ Shall I answer the phone? No, it's OK, I'll answer it.
4. SHOULD is used to express :
  • Suggestion ------------- You should see a doctor when you're sick.
  • Advisability ----------- You should pay tax on time.
5. CAN is used to convey :
  • Permission ------------- I'll finish the job myself. You can go home.
  • Possibility -------------- Mother is sick. She can be well soon.
  • Ability ------------------ She has practiced a lot. She can swim fast.
6. COULD conveys :
  • Request ----------------- Could you tell me your name?
  • Past ability ------------- When I was young, I could play football very well.
7. MAY is used to express :
  • Permission ------------- Don't worry, you may use my money.
  • Possibility  ------------- Ardiant is absent today. He may be sick.
8. MIGHT is used to express :
  • Possibility -------------- You should take an umbrella. It might rain.
  • Past tense of may ----- She might go somewhere when I looked for her.
9. MUST is used to convey :
  • Obligation / necessity ------ You must go to bank. We haven't got any money.
  • Conclusion ------------------ Andi is not here. He must be somewhere.
  • You have to go to the bank. We haven't got any money.
  • Anita has to work as her parents are poor.
11. We put "NOT" after modal for negative sentences. 
  • We must not speak rudely to our parents.
  • She cannot sing at all.