Showing posts with label Sleeping Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sleeping Beauty. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Sleeping Beauty

Narrator                              Frog
King                                    Queen
Princess                              Thirteenth Fairy
Twelfth Fairy                      Old Woman
 Prince                                 Old Man


Scene 1
Narrator : Once upon a time there were a king and queen who wanted to have a child.

King and Queen: Ah, if only we had a child!

Narrator: But they never had one. One day the queen was bathing, a frog leaped out of the water onto the land, and said to the Queen.

Frog: Your wish shall be fulfilled, before a year has gone by, you shall have a daughter.

Narrator : What the frog had said came true, and the queen had a little girl who was very pretty.

King: I am so happy with my precious daughter. I want to give a great feast.